Michael Hotka's
Variable Star Observing Club Results

Part 1. Cepheid - Observe Delta Cephei through a complete cycle making observations nightly. Plot results on a light curve vs time.

Observations for Delta Cephei

Part 2. Binary - Observe Algol (B Persei) through an eclipse or minima. Make estimates as applicable to star's period, for example Algol might be made every 15 minutes. Plot results on a light curve vs time.

Observations for Algol

Part 3. Make a total of 170 observations of at least 15 different Long Period (Mira), Semiregular (Betelgeuse), or Cataclysmic (SS Cygni) variables. At least one long period variable should be followed through a complete cycle.

Observations for 15 Variables



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